Tuesday 8 November 2011

Bill Clinton: Term Limits Should Allow For Presidents To Run Again After Break

Former President Bill Clinton sat down with MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Tuesday to discuss a variety of issues, including presidential term limits and the ideas put forth in his latest book for job creation and economic recovery.
Asked by host Joe Scarborough if he thought presidents should be able to run for more than two terms, following a break period between the second term and the next campaign, Clinton said yes. But don't hold your breath for another Bill Clinton presidential campaign.
"I believe that should be the rule, and I think that as a practical matter you couldn't apply to anyone who's already served," Clinton said, repeating an opinion that he's voiced before. "People are living longer, they're developing greater capacity. So, I've always thought that should be the rule, not to affect me or anyone who's served, but going forward."
Clinton's latest interviews come as his new book, "Back to Work," goes on sale on Tuesday.
The Associated Press reports on the content of his most recent work:
In his book, "Back to Work," Clinton analyzes the factors that contributed to the nation's current economic woes and offers several policy prescriptions he says would create jobs and make the U.S. more competitive. While he generally praises Obama for taking steps to mitigate the financial crisis and deep recession, he also gently dings the president for poor communication and strategic misfires.
He built on some of these themes on Tuesday.
"I do think the president has done a better job than he's gotten credit for, but Americans hire presidents to win for them," Clinton said. "He understands that, but they just need to understand this is gonna take some time to get out of. And the only strategy that will work is one that A, is oriented toward the future, and B, relies on both the private sector and government to work together. That's the point of the book."
During an earlier interview on NBC's "Today" show, Clinton was asked to answer a hypothetical question about how he thought the nation might be faring if his wife, now-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, had been elected president instead of Obama.
"I don't think about," Clinton said. "I deal with the world as it is. I think he's done a better job than he's getting credit for. I think he now has a Congress that doesn't want to do anything with him. And until the American people send them a signal -- send the Tea Party Republicans a signal -- that they want cooperation, you're going to have trouble."

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