Saturday 26 November 2011 podcast: Eurocrisis and eurosceptics

Our latest podcast looks at growing divisions within the eurosceptic rebel camp and the dilemma of how to cope with internet videos glamorising knife crime.
Alex Stevenson presents the first in a series of weekly podcasts, running up until Christmas, looking at issues being debated in parliament. If you have any ideas about what we should be reporting on, please drop us a line at
Our main feature looks at the aftermath of last month's EU referendum rebellion when 81 Conservative MPs defied David Cameron. The situation has already changed since then, as the ongoing eurozone crisis has upped the ante on all those involved in the debate. We spoke to Mark Reckless and Robin Walker about their views on what those seeking a change in the relationship between London and Brussels should do next.
This week's podcast also features an interview with Lewisham East MP Heidi Alexander, who wants ministers to make it easier for police officers to remove videos from websites like YouTube which incite knife crime and glorify gang culture.

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